Product details
Limit Switches Rotary Geared Limit Switch GRLS is used to trip motor supply when the moving load reaches the extreme end positions of working zone. The driving motion is transmitted by worm gear through worm shaft. The rotations and movements are transmitted to switches by adjustable cams. Worm Drive Limit Switch FGLS are suitable for use on reversing drives, such as Hoists, Cranes, Winches, Rolling Mills, Theater Curtains, Coke Oven etc. The driving motion is transmitted by worm gear. All gears and hubs are made of low wear thermoplastic material. The rotational movements are transmitted to switches by adjustable cams. Limit Switch LSR Cross Rotary for travel Motion Operates the control change over the contacts of a motor of a moving equipment which when operates with a load a actuates the 300mm rods of the Limit Switch and this in turn operates the NO/NC change-over contact elements.